About Mirasol

Mirasol e.V. is a worldwide non-profit organization, which creats a platform for artists and children.


In free workshops children will open new perspectives and promote their individual talents. 

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Our concept:

Interactive: fun and joy
Integrative and inclusive: Help without Frontiers
International: Help has no language
Intercambio: Colorful exchange
Intuitively: School of Intuition
Informative: Art forms
Individual: Protection of Children

Mirasol Konzept Blume


  • Empowerment of multucultural understanding
  • Empowerment of the self-confidence of children
  • Creation of new perspectives for children, especially besides drugs and violence
  • Fight against racism by creating a multicultural network



For the success of the project, we need all the help we can get.

We welcome any artists, athletes or volunteers who would like to offer a workshop.

And we are pleased about every kind and cash donations that will help us to build the project.

Jetzt spenden mit betterplace.org!

If you say now, an artist I am not, I have not even money, we say great, you can still help us with your commitment and energy.

Just write us or call us. We look forward to you!

Contact: Mirasol e.V.
Email: mirasol@outlook.de
Tel: 0176-70992742